The Ground Handling Blog

Mototok's blog for Hangar Professionals

Written by Mototok on January 9, 2020 // 4:00 PM

Safety Principles of Operating Aircraft Tugs

aircraft tug

Aircraft tugs are real modern marvels, moving aircraft weight hundreds of tons all day, every day. These movements come with very real risks every single time, and we are going to look at those now.


Written by Mototok on January 6, 2020 // 4:00 PM

Military Specific Applications of Remotely Operated GSE

military tug

Remotely operated and autonomous ground support equipment (GSE), particularly aircraft tugs, represent a valuable alternative to traditional units. Military users have long been users of traditional GSE, but does this hamper operational requirements and demands?


Written by Mototok on August 26, 2019 // 3:00 PM

Blockchain - the future of streamlined fleet maintenance


Bitcoin. Ethereum. Litecoin. Cryptocurrencies have taken the global economy by storm over the past decade. But they are far from anything to do with aviation, right? Especially support equipment? Well, this is proving to be an altogether incorrect assumption; the technology which powers and secures cryptocurrencies is proving to be very versatile evolving technology for all sorts of ventures. For the sake of aircraft ground support equipment owners, particularly those with a fleet of GSE.


Written by Mototok on August 13, 2019 // 3:30 PM

Using Big Data to Maintain Fleet Health of GSE


“Big Data” is fast becoming a stalwart buzzword of the 21st century business lexicon, yet how many who casually toss it around have a strong grasp for exactly what it is and does, and can offer? In a watered-down nutshell, big data is the process of sifting through enormous quantities of raw data and identifying often subtle trends, like indicators of failure. But how exactly is Big Data positively impacting fleet maintenance today? Is it farfetched and futuristic, or does it provide actionable intelligence right now?


Written by Mototok on August 6, 2019 // 4:00 PM

New Model for Updating and Replacing Obsolete GSE

obsolete gse

Aircraft ground support equipment are pieces of machinery which are designed for specific purposes and do those things generally very well. However, after certain periods of time or due to advances in technology, that machinery becomes outdated or even obsolete. Believe it or not, GSE can impact aircraft operations significantly, both good and bad. Since GSE items are costly, you need to come up with a plan to update your fleet in a way which best supports your operation.


Written by Mototok on June 24, 2019 // 1:00 PM

How aviation can profit from predictive maintenance

aviation maintenance

Predictive analytics in data analytics has proven to be a game changer in retail. It allows retailers to fine tune marketing strategies to almost unbelievable levels of accuracy, drilling down precisely what consumers are most likely to purchase and when.

But this only begins to scratch the surface of data analysis and analytics – predictive analytics, often used to determine customer behaviors, is also proving capable of predicting future events to include equipment failure. This sort of behavioral analysis is remarkable and directly useful to predicting change, breakage, and failure in just about any industry to include aviation equipment, both aircraft as well as ground equipment.


Written by Mototok on June 21, 2019 // 10:34 AM

Extreme environmental factors - Impact on aircraft and GSE

aircraft cold
Line maintenance on aircraft is full of extremes; very few aircraft or technicians are likely to work in ideal, temperate climates all of the time. Some locations are afflicted with high heat and humidity, or a combination with grit and sand. Others enjoy mild summers but brutal cold. Other climates yet draw the shortest straws and are very hot and very cold. We know how it makes our bodies feel, but what are the true mechanical effects on machines? Let’s take a look at how extreme environmental conditions affect flight and ground operations.


Written by Mototok on April 26, 2019 // 12:00 PM

The Top 5 MRO and maintenance software on the market

MRO Software

The technology age holds great potential for aircraft maintenance, maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO), and basically any other part of aircraft operations. While software programs are not particularly new, dating back into the 1990s, they have improved by an order of magnitude. There is now no shortage of software systems and mobile applications which can do any number of tasks from supply and logistics to data analytics. Let’s take a look at a few of the best of the market.


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